Note, you can follow this tutorial by cloning executablebooks/jupyter-cache, and running these commands inside it.: tox
$ jcache --help
Usage: jcache [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
The command line interface of jupyter-cache.
-v, --version Show the version and exit.
-p, --print-path Print the current cache path and exit.
-a, --autocomplete Print the autocompletion command and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
cache Work with cached execution(s) in a project.
notebook Work with notebook(s) in a project.
project Work with a project.
The first time the cache is required, it will be lazily created:
$ jcache notebook list
Cache path: ../.jupyter_cache
The cache does not yet exist, do you want to create it? [y/N]: y
No notebooks in project
You can specify the path to the cache, with the --cache-path
environment variable.
You can also clear it at any time:
$ jcache project clear
Cache path: ../.jupyter_cache
Are you sure you want to permanently clear the cache!? [y/N]: y
Cache cleared!
$ jcache notebook list
Cache path: ../.jupyter_cache
The cache does not yet exist, do you want to create it? [y/N]: y
No notebooks in project
Execute this in the terminal for auto-completion:
eval "$(_JCACHE_COMPLETE=source jcache)"
Adding notebooks to the project#
$ jcache notebook --help
Usage: notebook [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Work with notebook(s) in a project.
-p, --cache-path TEXT Path to project cache. [default: (.jupyter_cache)]
--help Show this message and exit.
add Add notebook(s) to the project.
add-with-assets Add notebook(s) to the project, with possible asset files.
clear Remove all notebooks from the project.
execute Execute specific notebooks in the project.
info Show details of a notebook (by ID).
invalidate Remove any matching cache of the notebook(s) (by ID/URI).
list List notebooks in the project.
merge Create notebook merged with cached outputs (by ID/URI).
remove Remove notebook(s) from the project (by ID/URI).
A project consist of a set of notebooks to be executed.
When adding notebooks to the project, they are recorded by their URI (e.g. file path), i.e. no physical copying takes place until execution time.
$ jcache notebook add tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb tests/notebooks/basic_unrun.ipynb tests/notebooks/complex_outputs.ipynb tests/notebooks/external_output.ipynb
Adding: ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
Adding: ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
Adding: ../tests/notebooks/basic_unrun.ipynb
Adding: ../tests/notebooks/complex_outputs.ipynb
Adding: ../tests/notebooks/external_output.ipynb
You can list the notebooks in the project, at present none have an existing execution record in the cache:
$ jcache notebook list
ID URI Reader Added Status
---- ------------------------------------- -------- ---------------- --------
1 tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
2 tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
3 tests/notebooks/basic_unrun.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
4 tests/notebooks/complex_outputs.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
5 tests/notebooks/external_output.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
You can remove a notebook from the project by its URI or ID:
$ jcache notebook remove 4
Removing: 4
$ jcache notebook list
ID URI Reader Added Status
---- ------------------------------------- -------- ---------------- --------
1 tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
2 tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
3 tests/notebooks/basic_unrun.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
5 tests/notebooks/external_output.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
or clear all notebooks from the project:
$ jcache notebook clear
Are you sure you want to permanently clear the project!? [y/N]: y
Project cleared!
Add a custom reader to read notebook files#
By default, notebook files are read using the nbformat reader.
However, you can also specify a custom reader, defined by an entry point in the jcache.readers
Included with jupyter_cache is the jupytext reader, for formats like MyST Markdown:
$ jcache notebook add --reader nbformat tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
Adding: ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
Adding: ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
$ jcache notebook add --reader jupytext tests/notebooks/
Adding: ../tests/notebooks/
$ jcache notebook list
ID URI Reader Added Status
---- ----------------------------------- -------- ---------------- --------
1 tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
2 tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
3 tests/notebooks/ jupytext 2025-01-06 17:07 -
To use the jupytext
reader, you must have the jupytext
package installed.
Executing the notebooks#
Simply call the execute
command, to execute all notebooks in the project that do not have an existing record in the cache.
Executors are defined by entry points in the jcache.executors
jupyter-cache includes these executors:
: execute notebooks with the working directory set to their path, in serial mode (using a single process).local-parallel
: execute notebooks with the working directory set to their path, in parallel mode (using multiple processes).temp-serial
: execute notebooks with a temporary working directory, in serial mode (using a single process).temp-parallel
: execute notebooks with a temporary working directory, in parallel mode (using multiple processes).
$ jcache project execute --executor local-serial
Executing 3 notebook(s) in serial
Executing: ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
Execution Successful: ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
Executing: ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
warning: Execution Excepted: ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
warning: CellExecutionError: An error occurred while executing the following cell:
warning: ------------------
warning: raise Exception('oopsie!')
warning: ------------------
warning: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
warning: Exception Traceback (most recent call last)
warning: Cell In[1], line 1
warning: ----> 1 raise Exception('oopsie!')
warning: Exception: oopsie!
Executing: ../tests/notebooks/
Execution Successful: ../tests/notebooks/
Finished! Successfully executed notebooks have been cached.
- ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
- ../tests/notebooks/
- ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
errored: []
Successfully executed notebooks will now have a record in the cache, uniquely identified by the a hash of their code and metadata content:
$ jcache cache list --hashkeys
ID Origin URI Created Accessed Hashkey
---- ------------------------ ---------------- ---------------- --------------------------------
1 tests/notebooks/ 2025-01-06 17:07 2025-01-06 17:07 94c17138f782c75df59e989fffa64e3a
These records are then compared to the hashes of notebooks in the project, to find which have up-to-date executions.
Note here both notebooks share the same cached notebook (denoted by [1]
in the status):
$ jcache notebook list
ID URI Reader Added Status
---- ----------------------------------- -------- ---------------- --------
1 tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 ✅ [1]
2 tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 ❌
3 tests/notebooks/ jupytext 2025-01-06 17:07 ✅ [1]
Next time you execute the project, only notebooks which don’t match a cached record will be executed:
$ jcache project execute --executor local-serial -v CRITICAL
Finished! Successfully executed notebooks have been cached.
succeeded: []
- ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
errored: []
You can also force
all notebooks to be re-executed:
$ jcache project execute --force
Executing 3 notebook(s) in serial
Executing: ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
Execution Successful: ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
Executing: ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
warning: Execution Excepted: ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
warning: CellExecutionError: An error occurred while executing the following cell:
warning: ------------------
warning: raise Exception('oopsie!')
warning: ------------------
warning: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
warning: Exception Traceback (most recent call last)
warning: Cell In[1], line 1
warning: ----> 1 raise Exception('oopsie!')
warning: Exception: oopsie!
Executing: ../tests/notebooks/
Execution Successful: ../tests/notebooks/
Finished! Successfully executed notebooks have been cached.
- ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
- ../tests/notebooks/
- ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
errored: []
If you modify a code cell, the notebook will no longer match a cached notebook or, if you wish to re-execute unchanged notebook(s) (for example if the runtime environment has changed), you can remove their records from the cache (keeping the project record):
$ jcache cache clear
Are you sure you want to permanently clear the cache!? [y/N]: n
The number of notebooks in the cache is limited
(current default 1000).
Once this limit is reached, the oldest (last accessed) notebooks begin to be deleted.
change this default with jcache config cache-limit
Analysing executed/excepted notebooks#
You can see the elapsed execution time of a notebook via its ID in the cache:
$ jcache cache info 1
ID: 1
Origin URI: ../tests/notebooks/
Created: 2025-01-06 17:07
Accessed: 2025-01-06 17:07
Hashkey: 94c17138f782c75df59e989fffa64e3a
execution_seconds: 0.7139821100063273
Failed execution tracebacks are also available on the project record:
$ jcache notebook info --tb tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
ID: 2
URI: ../tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb
name: nbformat
type: plugin
Added: 2025-01-06 17:07
Status: ❌
Failed Last Execution!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 58, in single_nb_execution
File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 1319, in execute
return NotebookClient(nb=nb, resources=resources, km=km, **kwargs).execute()
File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 165, in wrapped
return loop.run_until_complete(inner)
File "/home/docs/.asdf/installs/python/3.11.10/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 654, in run_until_complete
return future.result()
File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 709, in async_execute
await self.async_execute_cell(
File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 1062, in async_execute_cell
await self._check_raise_for_error(cell, cell_index, exec_reply)
File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 918, in _check_raise_for_error
raise CellExecutionError.from_cell_and_msg(cell, exec_reply_content)
nbclient.exceptions.CellExecutionError: An error occurred while executing the following cell:
raise Exception('oopsie!')
Exception Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 raise Exception('oopsie!')
Exception: oopsie!
Code cells can be tagged with raises-exception
to let the executor known that a cell may raise an exception
(see this issue on its behaviour).
Retrieving executed notebooks#
Notebooks added to the project are not modified in any way during or after execution:
You can create a new “final” notebook, with the cached outputs merged into the source notebook with:
$ jcache notebook merge tests/notebooks/ final_notebook.ipynb
Merged with cache PK 1
Invalidating cached notebooks#
If you want to invalidate a notebook’s cached execution,
for example if you have changed the notebook’s execution environment,
you can do so by calling the invalidate
$ jcache notebook invalidate tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
Invalidating: tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
$ jcache notebook list
ID URI Reader Added Status
---- ----------------------------------- -------- ---------------- --------
1 tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 -
2 tests/notebooks/basic_failing.ipynb nbformat 2025-01-06 17:07 ❌
3 tests/notebooks/ jupytext 2025-01-06 17:07 -
Specifying notebooks with assets#
When executing in a temporary directory, you may want to specify additional “asset” files that also need to be be copied to this directory for the notebook to run.
$ jcache notebook remove tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
Removing: tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
$ jcache notebook add-with-assets -nb tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb tests/notebooks/artifact_folder/artifact.txt
$ jcache notebook info tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
ID: 4
URI: ../tests/notebooks/basic.ipynb
name: nbformat
type: plugin
Added: 2025-01-06 17:07
Status: '-'
- ../tests/notebooks/artifact_folder/artifact.txt
Adding notebooks directly to the cache#
Pre-executed notebooks can be added to the cache directly, without executing them.
A check will be made that the notebooks look to have been executed correctly, i.e. the cell execution counts go sequentially up from 1.
$ jcache cache add tests/notebooks/complex_outputs.ipynb
Caching: ../tests/notebooks/complex_outputs.ipynb
Validity Error: Expected cell 0 to have execution_count 1 not None
The notebook may not have been executed, continue caching? [y/N]: y
Or to skip the validation:
$ jcache cache add --no-validate tests/notebooks/external_output.ipynb
Caching: ../tests/notebooks/external_output.ipynb
$ jcache cache list
ID Origin URI Created Accessed
---- ------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------
2 tests/notebooks/external_output.ipynb 2025-01-06 17:07 2025-01-06 17:07
1 tests/notebooks/complex_outputs.ipynb 2025-01-06 17:07 2025-01-06 17:07
To only show the latest versions of cached notebooks.
$ jcache cache list --latest-only
Diffing notebooks#
You can diff any of the cached notebooks with any (external) notebook:
This requires pip install nbdime
$ jcache cache diff 1 tests/notebooks/basic_unrun.ipynb
--- cached pk=1
+++ other: ../tests/notebooks/basic_unrun.ipynb
## inserted before nb/cells/0:
+ code cell:
+ source:
+ a=1
+ print(a)
## deleted nb/cells/0-6:
- code cell:
- metadata (unknown keys):
- init_cell: True
- slideshow:
- slide_type: skip
- source:
- from ipypublish.scripts.ipynb_latex_setup import *
- code cell:
- execution_count: 3
- metadata (unknown keys):
- ipub:
- text:
- format:
- backgroundcolor: \color{blue!10}
- source:
- print("""
- This is some printed text,
- with a nicely formatted output.
- """)
- outputs:
- output 0:
- output_type: stream
- name: stdout
- text:
- This is some printed text,
- with a nicely formatted output.
- code cell:
- execution_count: 3
- metadata (unknown keys):
- ipub:
- figure:
- caption: A nice picture.
- label: fig:example
- placement: !bh
- source:
- Image('example.jpg',height=400)
- outputs:
- output 0:
- output_type: execute_result
- execution_count: 3
- data:
- image/jpeg: /9j/4RB6...<snip base64, md5=b3f071e0466de0eb...>
- text/plain: <IPython.core.display.Image object>
- metadata (unknown keys):
- image/jpeg:
- height: 400
- code cell:
- execution_count: 9
- metadata (unknown keys):
- ipub:
- code:
- asfloat: True
- caption: a
- label: code:example_mpl
- widefigure: False
- figure:
- caption:
- label: fig:example_mpl
- widefigure: False
- source:
- plt.scatter(np.random.rand(10), np.random.rand(10),
- label='data label')
- plt.ylabel(r'a y label with latex $\alpha$')
- plt.legend();
- outputs:
- output 0:
- output_type: display_data
- data:
- application/pdf: JVBERi0x...<snip base64, md5=e244f7ca0e270cb0...>
- image/svg+xml:
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
- <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
- "">
- <!-- Created with matplotlib ( -->
- <svg height="258pt" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 455 258" width="455pt" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
- <defs>
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- *{stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:round;}
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- L 455.384887 258.561146
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- z
- " style="fill:none;"/>
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- L 444.684887 230.192082
- L 444.684887 12.752082
- L 54.084887 12.752082
- z
- " style="fill:#ffffff;"/>
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- C 1.060812 4 2.078319 3.578535 2.828427 2.828427
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- C 4 -1.060812 3.578535 -2.078319 2.828427 -2.828427
- C 2.078319 -3.578535 1.060812 -4 0 -4
- C -1.060812 -4 -2.078319 -3.578535 -2.828427 -2.828427
- C -3.578535 -2.078319 -4 -1.060812 -4 0
- C -4 1.060812 -3.578535 2.078319 -2.828427 2.828427
- C -2.078319 3.578535 -1.060812 4 0 4
- z
- " id="m6b5534bdeb" style="stroke:#1f77b4;"/>
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- C 34 63.109375 28.09375 65.59375 22.90625 65.59375
- C 18.09375 65.59375 12 63.40625 8.203125 56.203125
- C 4.203125 48.71875 3.796875 39.4375 3.796875 31.640625
- C 3.796875 25.953125 3.90625 17.28125 7 9.671875
- C 11.296875 -0.609375 19 -2 22.90625 -2
- C 27.5 -2 34.5 -0.109375 38.59375 9.375
- C 41.59375 16.28125 42 24.359375 42 31.640625
- z
- M 22.90625 -0.40625
- C 16.5 -0.40625 12.703125 5.078125 11.296875 12.6875
- C 10.203125 18.5625 10.203125 27.15625 10.203125 32.75
- C 10.203125 40.4375 10.203125 46.828125 11.5 52.921875
- C 13.40625 61.390625 19 64 22.90625 64
- C 27 64 32.296875 61.296875 34.203125 53.125
- C 35.5 47.4375 35.59375 40.734375 35.59375 32.75
- C 35.59375 26.25 35.59375 18.265625 34.40625 12.375
- C 32.296875 1.484375 26.40625 -0.40625 22.90625 -0.40625
- z
- " id="CMR17-48"/>
- <path d="M 18.40625 4.796875
- C 18.40625 7.6875 16 9.671875 13.59375 9.671875
- C 10.703125 9.671875 8.703125 7.28125 8.703125 4.890625
- C 8.703125 2 11.09375 0 13.5 0
- C 16.40625 0 18.40625 2.390625 18.40625 4.796875
- z
- " id="CMMI12-58"/>
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- <!-- $0.2$ -->
- <defs>
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- L 39.90625 15.453125
- C 38.90625 8.375 38.09375 7.171875 37.703125 6.5625
- C 37.203125 5.765625 30 5.765625 28.59375 5.765625
- L 9.40625 5.765625
- C 13 9.671875 20 16.75 28.5 24.953125
- C 34.59375 30.734375 41.703125 37.53125 41.703125 47.421875
- C 41.703125 59.21875 32.296875 66 21.796875 66
- C 10.796875 66 4.09375 56.3125 4.09375 47.34375
- C 4.09375 43.4375 7 42.9375 8.203125 42.9375
- C 9.203125 42.9375 12.203125 43.546875 12.203125 47.03125
- C 12.203125 50.109375 9.59375 51 8.203125 51
- C 7.59375 51 7 50.90625 6.59375 50.703125
- C 8.5 59.21875 14.296875 63.40625 20.40625 63.40625
- C 29.09375 63.40625 34.796875 56.515625 34.796875 47.421875
- C 34.796875 38.734375 29.703125 31.25 24 24.75
- L 4.09375 2.28125
- L 4.09375 0
- L 39.296875 0
- z
- " id="CMR17-50"/>
- </defs>
- <g transform="translate(139.457624 248.26167)scale(0.16 -0.16)">
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- </g>
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- <!-- $0.4$ -->
- <defs>
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- C 33.59375 66.5 33.5 66.5 31.703125 66.5
- L 2 19.59375
- L 2 17
- L 27.796875 17
- L 27.796875 7.140625
- C 27.796875 3.5 27.59375 2.5 20.59375 2.5
- L 18.703125 2.5
- L 18.703125 0
- C 21.90625 0 27.296875 0 30.703125 0
- C 34.09375 0 39.5 0 42.703125 0
- L 42.703125 2.5
- L 40.796875 2.5
- C 33.796875 2.5 33.59375 3.5 33.59375 7.140625
- L 33.59375 17
- L 43.796875 17
- L 43.796875 19.59375
- L 33.59375 19.59375
- z
- M 28.09375 57.859375
- L 28.09375 19.59375
- L 4 19.59375
- z
- " id="CMR17-52"/>
- </defs>
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- text/plain: <matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x11be4df98>
- code cell:
- execution_count: 8
- metadata (unknown keys):
- ipub:
- code:
- asfloat: True
- caption:
- label: code:example_pd
- placement: H
- widefigure: False
- table:
- alternate: gray!20
- caption: An example of a table created with pandas dataframe.
- label: tbl:example
- placement: H
- source:
- df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(3,4),columns=['a','b','c','d'])
- df.a = ['$\delta$','x','y']
- df.b = ['l','m','n']
- df.set_index(['a','b'])
- df.round(3)
- outputs:
- output 0:
- output_type: execute_result
- execution_count: 8
- data:
- text/html:
- <div>
- <style>
- .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {
- text-align: right;
- }
- .dataframe thead th {
- text-align: left;
- }
- .dataframe tbody tr th {
- vertical-align: top;
- }
- </style>
- <table border="1" class="dataframe">
- <thead>
- <tr style="text-align: right;">
- <th></th>
- <th>a</th>
- <th>b</th>
- <th>c</th>
- <th>d</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>0</th>
- <td>$\delta$</td>
- <td>l</td>
- <td>0.583</td>
- <td>0.279</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>1</th>
- <td>x</td>
- <td>m</td>
- <td>0.914</td>
- <td>0.021</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>2</th>
- <td>y</td>
- <td>n</td>
- <td>0.333</td>
- <td>0.116</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- text/latex:
- \begin{tabular}{lllrr}
- \toprule
- {} & a & b & c & d \\
- \midrule
- 0 & $\delta$ & l & 0.583 & 0.279 \\
- 1 & x & m & 0.914 & 0.021 \\
- 2 & y & n & 0.333 & 0.116 \\
- \bottomrule
- \end{tabular}
- text/plain:
- a b c d
- 0 $\delta$ l 0.583 0.279
- 1 x m 0.914 0.021
- 2 y n 0.333 0.116
- code cell:
- execution_count: 9
- metadata (unknown keys):
- ipub:
- equation:
- label: eqn:example_ipy
- source:
- Latex('$$ a = b+c $$')
- outputs:
- output 0:
- output_type: execute_result
- execution_count: 9
- data:
- text/latex: $$ a = b+c $$
- text/plain: <IPython.core.display.Latex object>
- code cell:
- execution_count: 10
- metadata (unknown keys):
- ipub:
- code:
- asfloat: True
- caption:
- label: code:example_sym
- placement: H
- widefigure: False
- equation:
- environment: equation
- label: eqn:example_sympy
- source:
- y = sym.Function('y')
- n = sym.symbols(r'\alpha')
- f = y(n)-2*y(n-1/sym.pi)-5*y(n-2)
- sym.rsolve(f,y(n),[1,4])
- outputs:
- output 0:
- output_type: execute_result
- execution_count: 10
- data:
- image/png: iVBORw0K...<snip base64, md5=d55c437a08cce58f...>
- text/latex: $$\left(\sqrt{5} i\right)^{\alpha} \left(\frac{1}{2} - \frac{2 i}{5} \sqrt{5}\right) + \left(- \sqrt{5} i\right)^{\alpha} \left(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{2 i}{5} \sqrt{5}\right)$$
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- author: Authors Name
- email:
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- ['Institution1', 'Institution2']
- logo: logo_example.png
- subtitle: Sub-Title
- supervisors:
- ['First Supervisor', 'Second Supervisor']
- tagline: A tagline for the report.
- title: Main-Title
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